Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hits Swee Swee..... Sweeeet!

(click on image to enlarge)

I was again given the honour to design another music compilation album by Life Records (S). This one is a compilation of hits song by local Malay talents and will hit the store by december 2008.

Life records always have this thing about giving quirky yet catchy title to its album. This time is Hits Swee Swee! If I'm not wrong, swee means just nice, good, pretty... or something to that effect..

Playing with the chinese word "Swee"..... I decided to have a bit of a chinese feel to it, but not too much until potential buyer (Malay ) may be misled into thinking this is a chinese music album. I've included some chinese elements & motifs. The speaker on the background is a replacement of a "Pak Kua" or shield used by chinese "Feng Shui" geomancer.

Overall, I'm quite happy with the end result... but is very sure there will be major tweak here and there before this album hits the store.

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